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STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品

販売価格:¥41900.00円¥24300.00円 (税込)




・EFFICIENT AIR PURIFIER The compact frame,and 360°air intake design help you efficient purify the air, Featuring a high CADR of 147CFM, this air cleaner purifies refreshes the air 5x per hour in rooms as large as 323 sq.ft,it only takes An Hour to purify a 1450 ft? room. Whether children and pets are in the living room or bedroom, they can enjoy fresh air at home freely
・ADVANCED 3 STAGES FILTER SYSTEM H13 true Hepa filter with three filtration layers: pre-filter, true HEPA, activated carbon to capture 99.97% of airborne particles, Like pet dander, dust, pollen, odor etc, effectively improving indoor air quality and freely enjoying fresh air at home. Replace Hepa filters at least every 3 to 6 months
・LOW DECIBEL OPERATION With room air purifiers running at the lowest fan speed, this air cleaner is just at 24dB. Set a time and turn off the display light, enjoying relaxed night or reading without interference from lights and odours
・INTELLIGENT LIGHT There are 3 colors air quality indicator lights with the air purifier, each color indicates different air quality, Blue: air quality great, Orange: air quality bad, Red: air quality very bad. Help you use this air purifier more efficiently
・AIR PURIFIER WITH FRAGRANCE SPONGE Inside the sponge of the bottom cover add a few drops of essential oil (not included), then to use the aroma will diffuse with the air movement, Gentle fragrance helps you relax, focus, energize and sleep
カテゴリー: 空気清浄器
メーカー: Alton Industry
高さ: 40.6 センチ
幅: 27.9 センチ
奥行: 27.9 センチ
重量: 3.1 Kg


STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Air
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Air Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 323 , Captures 99.97% of Smoke,
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: Air Purifiers for Bedroom Home H13 HEPA Air
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifiers (Deep Black) : Sports
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Air
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
STEALTH Air Purifier, H13 True HEPA Filter, Covers up to 323
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA
STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA Filter Cleaner with Washable Filter, PM2.5 Monitor, Covers up to 1450 Ft2, Captures 99.97% of 並行輸入品
: STEALTH Air Purifier for Home, H13 True HEPA

クチコミ評価(4.9 / 1175件)



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